Preparing to Graduate
The College Office of Graduate Affairs is responsible for collecting graduation materials and verifying degrees for all College graduate students. Let us know when you plan to graduate and check off the first graduation requirement by submitting your “Application for Graduation”.
Apply to GraduateGraduation Deadlines
Preparing Your Electronic Thesis Dissertation (ETD) Submission for Publication
The University of Kansas requires that students whose degree programs require defense of a thesis or dissertation publish their research to fulfill degree requirements. The publication requirement is satisfied by submitting the Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) to ProQuest.
It is very important to follow all formatting and submission guidelines carefully. KU Libraries provides numerous resources including guides, templates, and workshops that should be utilized when preparing and submitting your ETD. We also encourage you to use the ETD Formatting Self-Check form, found in the Electronic Thesis/Dissertation (ETD) Formatting Requirements module in your "My Graduation Checklist" course.
The College reviews all ETD submissions after the close of the term. If there are any formatting edits that need to be made, the ProQuest Administrator for the College will send you an email outlining exactly what needs to be fixed and will give you a new deadline (typically a few weeks) to complete the edits. That deadline for editing in no way impacts your graduation. You meet the graduation requirement simply by submitting the electronic document to ProQuest and uploading confirmation to your "My Graduation Checklist".
ETD Processing Timeline
Submit ETD to ProQuest and complete "My Graduation Checklist" assignment
ETD reviewed by COGA in ProQuest's ETD Administrator
ETD delivered to ProQuest and KU ScholarWorks for publishing
Renewing your embargo after the original embargo expires
Graduation Ceremonies
There are multiple opportunities for graduates to be recognized. Check out more information regarding each celebration below.